How to insert a diagonal line in a cell using excel?

Esity Arabia
Nov 15, 2022


Usually, the first row in an excel file is used to indicate the columns names, but if we want to create an array with the first row indicating the column names and the first row indicating the row names, we may have to use the A call as an indicator of the columns and rows.

To do a diagonal separation in A cell in a excel file we can use format cell when you right click on the cell you want to draw a diagonal line into. After that you can write text and place two separated text using ALT + ENTER to jump to the next line and space bar to place your text.



Esity Arabia

نحن نقدم دروس اللغة الإنجليزية و الروسية والألمانية عبرالإنترنت للأطفال والبالغين والشركات. معلمونا من جميع أنحاء العالم